A major update of Emulicious got released! The main goal of this update was to improve the usability of Emulicious. The highlights of this update are that the windows stay open now when a rom is loaded and that the video viewers can now be combined into a single window.
The full list of improvements follows:
- Added an option to the tracer to write its log to a file
- Added selection to the video viewers
- Added an option to combine the video viewers into one window
- Added grids for the video viewers
- Added more options to the Debugger’s View menu (one is to reduce the spacing between rows)
- Added support for GameBoy BESS savestates that are interoperable with SameBoy and BGB (thanks to LIJI)
- Added a workaround for the path issue when remote debugging from WSL (thanks to tbsp)
- Added ROM bank and SRAM banks to the additional registers of the debugger
- Fixed an issue with remote debugging that could make VS Code disconnect from Emulicious
- Fixed Reload ROM shortcut did not always work
- Fixed copy&paste in Go To boxes (thanks to Kabcorp)
- Keep the tool windows open when a rom is loaded
- Made the sources in the viewers clickable to directly open them in the Memory Editor / Debugger
- Overhauled the Tile Viewer (thanks to Daid)
- Improved support for RGBDS 0.5.0
- In Memory Editor, show up to two labels before showing ellipsis (thanks to Advert665)
- Fixed a bug that could make the Tracer ignore its conditions
- Highlight uninitialized memory in Memory Editor
- Highlight the tile in the Tile Viewer that is currently hovered in one of the other viewers